The Quit India movement or August Kranti | भारत छोड़ो आंदोलन

 The Quit India movement, also termed as Bharat Chhodo Andolan was started on August 8, 1942.

The Quit India movement or August Kranti
The Quit India movement or August Kranti

The resolution of the Quit India movement was passed on this date, at the Mumbai session of the AICC.

It was during this time that the famous slogan ‘Do or die’ was given by Bapu.


- Based on this resolution, the Bharat Chhodo Andolan marked the beginning of a large-scale non-violent mass struggle for the country’s independence.



- It was launched, following the failure of the Cripps Mission, which offered Dominion Status to India.
- The Quit India Movement had three phases.
* The first phase involved urban revolt, strikes, and boycotts.
* The second phase witnessed a major peasant rebellion, marked by destruction of all visible symbols of British Raj such as railway tracks and stations, telegraph wires and poles, and government buildings.
* The last phase saw the formation of parallel governments in isolated pockets.
- There were hartals and processions throughout the country.
- The British government set out firings, lathi charges and arrests.
- Protestors attacked government buildings, damaged railway lines, and disrupted postal and telegraph services.
- There were numerous clashes with police.
- The British government prohibited the publication of news about the movement.
- Approximately 60,000 people were imprisoned and hundreds had died by the end of 1942.
- When Gandhiji was released from prison in 1944, he didn’t stop the struggle for freedom and went on a 21-day fast.
- By the end of WW-II, Britain’s position was drastically changed, making it impossible for them to rule over India.

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