Giving a push to Atmanirbhar Bharat and Make-in-India initiative, the Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) has joined hands with 4 Khadi Institutions from Varanasi & Ghazipur for the production of woollen products with globally acclaimed Pashmina fabric.
(The Khadi and Village Industries Commission is a statutory body formed in April 1957 by the Government of India, under the Act of Parliament, 'Khadi and Village Industries Commission Act of 1956'. | Founded: 1956 | Purpose: To plan, promote, facilitate, organise and assist in the establishment and development of khadi and village industries | Headquarters: Mumbai | Agency executive: Vinai Kumar Saxena (Chairperson) | Parent agency: Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises | Type: Statutory Corporation)
(KVIC to begin production of World-famous Pashmina wool products in Varanasi) |
This country’s first attempt to introduce Jammu & Kashmir’s heritage craft of Pashmina weaving outside the state to familiarize the artisans across India with this unique art.
Production to begin with New Year
The Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises has informed that Pashmina weaving in Varanasi will begin from January next year. Around 20 Khadi artisans from Sewapuri Ashram in Varanasi will be trained for 30-days in Pashmina weaving by 2 master trainers from West Bengal.
The 4 khadi institutions taking up the production of Pashmina wool products in Varanasi are - Krishak Gramodyog Vikas Sansthan, Varanasi, Shri Mahadev Khadi Gramodyog Sansthan, Ghazipur, Khadi Kambal Udyog Sansthan, Ghazipur and Gram Sewa Ashram, Ghazipur.
These four Khadi Institutions of the Varanasi division have already started processing raw Pashmina wool in Delhi which was earlier launched by Chairman KVIC on 20th November.
Subsequently, nearly 200 KG of Pashmina wool processed in Delhi will be supplied to artisans in Leh by the first week of December. Here, the Leh artisans will spin the wool by December-end that will be sent to Varanasi for weaving.
“The two artisans coming from West Bengal are highly trained in making Muslin which involves ultra-fine weaving which is much similar to the weaving of Pashmina,” The Ministry of MSME informed in an official release.
KVIC provides Training & Equipment to local artisans
KVIC provided a one-month training to the local artisans in 4 villages of Leh-Ladakh, namely, Likir, Saspol, Shakti and Leh city. After this, it also arranged for some 100 new model charkhas of 8-spindle to start the spinning activities of Pashmina wool.
These 4 institutions from the Varanasi division after adopting these artisans, decided to pay Rs 20 per hank spinning charges. At present, artisans working on traditional charkha in Leh-Ladakh can produce only 2-3 hanks of Pashmina wool per day and earn less than Rs 100 per day.
With the arrangement of advanced 8-spindle new model charkhas provided by KVIC, artisans will be able to produce up to 15 hanks per day and earn up to Rs 300 per day.
This will boost artisans’ income while skilling them with newer technologies and creating an overall scenario of financial stability.
In addition to this KVIC also provided 25 high-quality 48-inch width looms in Leh that will minimize the effort in weaving for artisans while producing all sizes of fabric. KVIC will further deploy more charkhas as soon as the work increases.
Chairman KVIC Vinai Kumar Saxena held a meeting with the Lieutenant Governor of Ladakh, RK Mathur which spearheaded this development. LG Ladakh informed that around 50 MT raw pashmina is produced in Leh-Ladakh per annum out of which, post-cleaning and processing, only 15 MT dehaired wool is made available for the production of Pashmina wool products.
With the commencement of Pashmina Wool products production in Varanasi, the government can ensure utilization of the entire quality of de-haired Pashmina wool of Ladakh. It will open new job opportunities for local artisans alongside the availability of genuine and affordable Pashmina wool products in Varanasi.
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What is KVIC scheme?
How can I get KVIC certificate?
What are the main objectives of KVIC?
Who can apply for KVIC?
How can I sell on Khadi?
What is Khadi Mark?
What is the flagship Programme of KVIC?
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